Academic Tutoring
Our tutors take pride in and enjoy working with your child to help them achieve academic success in any subject or grade level. At North Naples Therapy & Enrichment, our goal is to solidify concepts taught in the classroom while supplementing current course curriculum through instruction, demonstration, and hands on application.
Students seeking academic reinforcement can be seen in an individualized or group setting.
Social Studies
Academic coaching
Organizational skills
Time management
Test anxiety
Exam prep
SAT Prep
ACT Prep
College Admission Prep
Resume Building
Social Skills
Lindamood- Bell Services
Lindamood-Bell programs focus on sensory-cognitive processing needed for reading comprehension. These researched validated programs are constructed on the notion that all individuals present with different abilities; however, the concepts required for reading comprehension are the same.
Skills needed for reading include Concept imagery & Symbol imagery, word attack, sight word recognition, contextual fluency, oral vocabulary, and comprehension.
Our Lindamood-Bell certified instructors can help your child achieve independence and the ability to self-monitor while reading.
Seeing Stars: Symbol Imagery for phonological and orthographic processing in reading and spelling.
Visualizing and Verbalizing: Cognitive and concept imagery development, language and thinking skills
LiPS (Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing): Multisensory approach to phonological awareness, decoding, spelling, and reading
On Cloud Nine Math: Stimulate the ability to image and verbalize underlying math concepts
For more information on academic tutoring or Lindamood- Bell services, please contact us at info@northnaplestherapy.com